Home Real Estate Hire a Property Manager or Manage Your Own Rental Property?

Hire a Property Manager or Manage Your Own Rental Property?

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Managing a rental property on your own brings a distinct set of challenges: As a landlord, you are responsible for showing and staging the property to possible renters as well as doing a background check on any potential tenants. Rent must be collected, any issues must be addressed, and contractors must be found to complete the repairs that you are unable to complete yourself.

This final step can be very challenging, particularly in today’s world where reputable tradespeople are hard to come by. To choose a contractor, you’ll probably have to spend hours on the Internet looking at Angi and Yelp and NextDoor, as well as checking out Facebook groups and area message boards. Owning and operating a rental property is a full-time job in and of itself.

Using a property management software for small landlords and avoiding all of the aforementioned hassles is an appealing option. This option, however, has drawbacks. There are a number of reasons why traditional property managers may overcharge for their services. Traditional property managers, on the other hand, have little motivation to treat a home with the care and attention it deserves, compared to the owner. You’re so familiar with your house that it feels like a member of the family. Traditional property managers, on the other hand, see your home as just one more item on a long list.

As a result, let’s be candid. When it comes to managing your home, you have two alternatives: you can do it yourself, or you can hire someone to do it for you. Both of these solutions have their drawbacks.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make property management on your own a practical option.

In our headline, we mentioned a few “Middle Ground” choices.

1. Create a Workforce

Forget NextDoor and Yelp and Angi and hire a local handyman you can trust and rely on for all of your home improvement needs. You should be able to tap into his or her network to make up for any knowledge deficiencies.

People that live near your rental property should also be made friends with. Your handyman or homeowner may be able to stop by if you can’t get a touch of them in the middle of an emergency. This is obviously the case, but they should still be able to give you an idea of the scope of the problem. There are a number of ways you can get help from people who have lived in the community for some time.

2. Work Automation

To aid with everything from collecting rent to organizing and documenting your tax returns, there are a number of outstanding software platforms for Homeowners like real estate investor softwares and son.

3. Be Careful in Choosing Your Tenants

Your first line of defence is always going to be the eyes and ears of your resident. They’ll be the first to know if something goes wrong. It is very important to identify individuals who are extremely responsible and diligent if they plan to self-manage.

To keep your home running well, you’ll need to find people who genuinely enjoy living there and who are prepared to help out when needed. For example, if there’s a property-threatening problem with an easy cure, in an ideal world you want a resident who’s ready to provide a temporary fix, until the actual specialists can turn up.

4. Use Property Management Software

You’ve been waiting a long time for a property management company that provides the services you’ve been looking for – the elusive happy middle that has never existed.

What Belong does and what property managers aren’t allowed to touch is extensive. For a flat fee, Belong will discover and screen renters for you; photograph the house and generate a 3D tour; and then stage and show your home for you. Finally, we conduct in-person interviews to identify potential tenants who will value and care for your property.

In addition to finding the ideal tenants, Belong is committed to maintaining your rental property to the highest standards, employing only the best contractors or requiring electronic signature online to sign contracts. There are electricians, plumbers, and roofers on our roster, all of whom may be summoned at a moment’s notice to fix any problem.


The ownership of a rental property can be a fantastic way to bring in additional cash. On the other hand, it calls for a significant investment of both time and effort, and as a result, it can quickly start to feel like a second job. It may be tempting to take a do-it-yourself approach to the management of your rental property, especially if you reside in close proximity to the property and are responsible for its marketing, maintenance, and repairs.

However, in the majority of situations, this is simply not possible, and you will end up squandering an excessive amount of time that you could be spending to concentrate on other things that are important to you. If you want to relieve yourself of a significant amount of worry and responsibility, hiring a qualified property manager is the way to go. They are able to ensure that your property always receives proper maintenance, that it presents the greatest possible image, and that it generates the maximum income. Consider the following advantages of hiring a property manager if you are having trouble deciding whether or not you really need one.