Home Marketing Marketing is a great career choice for outgoing individuals

Marketing is a great career choice for outgoing individuals


Marketing is an exciting and dynamic career that is perfect for individuals who love being in a fast-paced environment and enjoy putting their creativity to work. This challenging industry provides ample opportunities for using analytical skills and technical know-how in the pursuit of bridging the connection between the end consumer and the product or service being offered. There are many ways for marketers to reach their goal of connecting users to brands such as social media, content marketing, advertising, and many more. 

This exciting career path is not for everyone, however, and those that prefer a quieter, more solitary job may not want anything to do with it. Those who enter the field are usually outgoing, creative, and enjoy working with other people. Marketers are always thinking of new ways to engage the end user and have no problem thinking outside of the box to come up with a fresh and unique campaign. 

Social media

Social media platforms are one of the fastest growing ways to reach a large group of people from all over the world who share the same passions and opinions. Marketers use logos, colors, and consistent messaging on social media to create a strong brand identity that resonates with their target audience. Marketing professionals will use blogs, videos, posts, and graphics to reach the audience they feel will be the most interested in the product they are marketing. The purpose of the social media content is to inform and entertain the audience as well as use social media listening tools to see whether the message is resonating and to get ideas of the audience’s interests, needs, and preferences.

The internet has changed the meaning of celebrity, and online influencers are individuals who have gained a large following of users. These social media celebrities are ordinary people who have carved a niche for themselves and post regularly to their audience. Marketers leverage social media influencers by partnering with them to promote their products or services, thereby gaining credibility and exposure to a relevant audience. Marketing no longer means pushing a product but involves strategies on marketing oneself to get the greatest following.

Content marketing

Producing and sharing content is one way marketers engage their target audience and meet their needs. They achieve this by developing audience personas that help them understand the characteristics, needs, and preferences of the consumers they want to attract. This information guides the creation of content that is relevant and valuable to their audience.

Once audience personas are created, a content strategy is developed. This strategy helps marketers ensure that all the content produced aligns with the goals of the campaign and the needs of the target audience. The strategy should incorporate a clear plan, goals, and specific tactics for developing and distributing content. One of the most interesting things for marketers to do in content marketing is to produce content in different formats that engage the audience. This includes blogs, infographics, videos, webinars, eBooks, social media posts, and podcasts.

The purpose of content marketing is to tell a story and use narrative techniques that resonate emotionally with an audience. Stories help to connect with the audience on a personal level and make the content relatable.

Individuals who are interested in a career change to marketing will learn how the different types of marketing work to engage their target audiences. Accredited online schools like St. Bonaventure University offer flexible courses that working professionals can attend in order to further their education and make a change that is fulfilling and challenging. Individuals can learn all they need to know about switching to a career in marketing in their own time and at their own pace.

One important aspect of marketing in the internet age is the familiarity with search engine optimization. Marketers need to make sure their content contains the necessary keywords, meta tags, and links to increase internet visibility and attract users. They also distribute their content to a variety of channels including email marketing, social media, third-party publishers, and content distribution networks. This maximizes the reach and exposure of the content. Using data analytics, marketers can identify areas in need of improvement as well as areas of success. This feedback helps to optimize the strategy for future content marketing campaigns.


Marketers use advertising to engage their target audience by creating and delivering ads relevant to their audience, raising brand awareness, and promoting specific products or services. Here are a few techniques that are commonly used:

Understanding and targeting the right audience is key when it comes to advertising. Marketers use demographic, geographic, and behavioral targeting to ensure that their ads are displayed to people who are most likely to be interested in their products or services. Marketers use images, videos, copy, and overall design to create powerful visuals and messaging that get attention and drive engagement.

Marketers are also adept at telling a story through an ad as an effective way to connect with the audience emotionally and create a memorable experience. Marketers use storytelling techniques to engage with their audience and help them relate on a personal level. They also need to consider where their ads will be placed to ensure they are seen by their target audience. Popular ad placement options include search engine ads, social media ads, display ads, and sponsored content on websites or blogs. Once all the pieces are in place, marketers measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns to evaluate their return on investment, inform future budgeting decisions, and refine their targeting and creative messaging.

What traits do successful marketers possess?

Marketing is an exciting, dynamic, and fast-paced career full of opportunities to network, create content, and build skills that will help with career and personal endeavours. Some characteristics of successful marketing professionals include strategic branding, networking, data analytics, getting creative, and thinking outside the box, among others. For those who are naturally outgoing and personable, this career choice can be a lucrative and fulfilling one. 

Strategic promotion

Being a successful marketing professional means developing expertise in promoting brands, products, services, and business initiatives. Marketers can analyze the market of an organization and carefully evaluate the competition and operations needed to increase audience awareness of the brand or product. These professionals are also experts at evaluating the company’s target market and ensuring that the campaign hits the right audience. They do this with certain tools such as social media listening tools that give the marketer an idea of an audience’s interests, needs, expectations, location, and demographics.


Any successful marketer knows the value of networking internally or externally. They understand that developing contacts and building business relationships will help them find new marketing opportunities and learn new strategies. Networking with industry leaders can ensure the marketer is up-to-date on new trends in their field and possible partnerships with new social media influencers and hot online trends. Networking doesn’t necessarily have to be in a formal setting but can be done anywhere the marketer sees a potential opportunity. An individual could meet someone who works in an area of interest on a plane, in line at the grocery store, or while waiting at the doctor’s office. Networking can also be with colleagues who may have useful information and tips that can be helpful for a marketing professional. 

Marketing professionals can also contact colleagues from other branches or areas so they can get a better understanding of the demographics and habits in their own locations and learn some new strategies that may be taken in these other branches. Networking can take the form of business lunches, seminars, workshops, and even social media posts. 

Data analytics

Excellent marketers are able to analyze data and market research in order to create advertising strategies that will engage their target audience. Data gathering tools can also be used to monitor campaigns that have been released on social media platforms or by email and see how effective the strategy is and what needs to be adjusted. Data isn’t only collected using tools like social media listening, but it can also be gathered using interviews, focus groups, public forums, chat rooms, and web analytics. A successful marketer will have expertise in data analytics and will continually upgrade their education in this area to keep their skills sharp.

Creativity and resourcefulness

Successful marketers should be able to think creatively and move beyond the traditional forms of advertising to new areas and strategies they are unfamiliar with. Thinking outside of the box is a key trait of marketers, and some of the most creative professionals have given the world jingles, slogans, and ads that have their target audience humming along or thinking about the message. Creativity means being able to come up with a campaign that has impact and stands out above the competition. 

Resourcefulness goes hand in hand with creativity as most marketers who need to be resourceful need to find ways to creatively solve issues as they come up. Networking contacts are very helpful in this context as the more networking a marketer does, the more contacts and resources they have when needed. Marketers can get inspiration from analyzing the competition, looking at different sites, visiting galleries, or listening to motivational podcasts or Ted Talks. They understand that learning is a lifelong endeavour, and they can always find a new and fresh perspective on their work. 


Research skills are essential for marketers because they help in identifying and understanding customer needs and preferences. By conducting research, marketers can gather information about their target audience, such as their demographic data, buying behavior, and interests. This information enables marketers to create targeted promotional campaigns that address the specific wants and needs of their customers. Research skills can also help marketers evaluate the effectiveness of their promotional campaigns and make evidence-based decisions on how to improve them. By leveraging research skills, marketers can ensure that their promotional efforts are tailored to their target audience, resulting in more successful marketing campaigns and increased return on investment (ROI).

With effective research skills, a marketer can gather information concerning the market, industry, competitors, customer behavior, and preferences, which can help them create effective marketing strategies, understand customer needs and wants, and stay ahead of trends in the industry.

For example, a marketer can use research to identify gaps in the market and create products or services that meet customer needs that have not been previously addressed. Alternatively, research can also help a marketer to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns and tweak them accordingly to improve the ROI. It also can help marketers understand consumer behavior, including the factors that drive their purchasing decision, which can inform product improvement and marketing messages.

Technical proficiency

Being tech-savvy is not just a plus in marketing but is an absolute necessity in this internet age. Technical proficiency means that a marketer understands the strategies and techniques needed for a successful online campaign such as search engine optimization (SEO), key words, and use of links. A successful marketer will understand what happens when content doesn’t fit with the algorithms set out by search engines and therefore are not getting the right amount of traffic. Technical knowledge is crucial in analyzing whether an online campaign is effective and what tools are available to fix the deficiencies. 

A great way to expand technical knowledge is through first-hand experience working on an online campaign. Marketers can learn about new software, platforms, state regulations, and leaders in the industry. Along with hands-on practice are courses and certificates that marketing professionals can pursue that will also increase their knowledge of the virtual environment. 

Time management skills

Marketing comes with many deadlines, and the ability to manage time efficiently is crucial for success. A productive marketing professional will have an organized calendar of tasks that need to be done, including dates, times, and a priority rating. Getting tasks done on time also shows the customer respect and lets them know their time is valuable. This passion for customer service and excellence is one of the foundations of being an excellent marketer and will set the professionals apart from those who are just calling it in. Treating everyone with respect, dignity, courtesy, and professionalism is a key trait of the successful marketing professional who leads by example.

Since marketers have to juggle between various tasks and activities, managing their time effectively is crucial. Some ways they can incorporate time management strategies into their day include creating a daily schedule and using productivity tools. Marketers can create a schedule for their daily activities and prioritize their tasks according to their importance and urgency. This helps them remain focused and stay on track. There are various productivity tools available that can help marketers manage their time effectively. These tools can help them track their time, set reminders and deadlines, and stay organized.

Multitasking is a misnomer; what actually happens is the individual is giving only part of their attention to one task, which decreases productivity. Focusing on one task at a time and completing that task before moving on to the next ensures that the task is given the appropriate amount of consideration. This reduces the likelihood of mistakes being made and losing precious time redoing content. 

Marketers usually work in teams. If a task is not part of their core duties, they should learn how to ask for help from team members and delegate tasks. This allows the marketer to focus on the creative aspect of their job, which is where they excel. It also frees up time for them to ensure their work is complete and up to the standards of their organization. Having time to recharge is also an important aspect of time management. Leaving time in the day for breaks is just as important as filling a schedule up with meetings and tasks. Allowing for a mental health break will make the marketer come back to the work with a fresh perspective and a relaxed mind. 

Communication skills

Communication skills are key in marketing as the purpose of the job is to communicate with audiences in a meaningful way. Whether the marketing professional is communicating verbally and in person or virtually on a social media platform, listening is a key component of effective communication. Marketers can learn a lot by communicating with their colleagues about their ideas, initiatives, wins, and losses. Sharing information helps marketers avoid certain pitfalls that their coworkers experienced or get a new perspective on a project they are working on. Communication skills can help marketing professionals use clear messages in advertising campaigns, develop public relations strategies, conduct press conferences, and give interviews.

Individuals who are creative, analytical, and enjoy a busy work environment may find fulfillment in a marketing career. This dynamic industry has become even more interesting and challenging with online vehicles such as social media, email marketing, and advertising.