Home Strategy How to Increase Productivity in The Workplace?

How to Increase Productivity in The Workplace?

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You work hard to establish your position in the workplace and build yourself up. You’re dedicated, loyal, and motivated. But what happens if you find yourself feeling unproductive? If you’re worried that your time is not appreciated by colleagues or management, it may be time to take action. Though there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for boosting productivity in the workplace, there are a few steps you can take right away to begin turning things around.

1. Encourage Learning Opportunities

The number of ways to learn in your workplace is limitless. Many employees feel as though they don’t receive enough training on the job. Still, according to a study published by the American Society for Training and Development, an organization that provides education and training to people in managerial positions, one-third of employers said they provided most of their employees with opportunities for continuing education each year. In other words, it would behoove you to get involved with new initiatives at work if you want more opportunities to learn about your job. For instance, a Learning Management System, or  LMS, for employee training can help employees find the right courses to learn more about their positions and develop the skills they need to succeed.

2. Provide Employees with Technology

Businesses have embraced new technology for quite some time, and the younger generation has taken to it with gusto. Now is a good time to look into ways to encourage your employees to work via the internet. Whether using blogs, social media, apps, or other digital technology to help them become more efficient and productive will depend on your business type. If you’re in a place that doesn’t need technology to help with efficiency, don’t spend significant resources on it right away. But if you’re a retailer, consider using an online POS system to help employees complete daily tasks faster and more efficiently. It’s important to note that technology won’t make or break your business’ productivity, but it can make the difference between being a good employee and feeling like one.

3. Eliminate Unproductive Strain

If your employees are stressed, it may be time to reorganize the workplace. Find out what you can do to relieve some of your employees’ burdens. Several factors could contribute to stress, so it will be hard to pinpoint just one thing. However, it’s important that the employees who are experiencing stress reach out and ask for help from higher-ups so they can resolve the issue. Having direct communication with any upper management is vital. If your boss causes a significant portion of your employees’ stress, move them to a different department.

4. Emphasize Company Culture

A company’s culture greatly affects each employee’s motivation and performance. It means different things to different people, but you can use it as an opportunity to draw attention to meaningful aspects of your workplace that you feel might be missing. For instance, if your company has a strong commitment to community involvement and you feel this aspect is neglected, make time to talk about it at staff meetings. If employees have ideas for strengthening the team spirit, incorporate them into the official plan or talk more about how they can become valuable assets.

5. Create an Environment That Encourages Collaboration

To become more productive, you shouldn’t just adopt the latest technology in your office. You also want to make it a priority for everyone in your office to be able to communicate and collaborate together. You may not think about many aspects of collaboration, such as listening and offering feedback, so don’t shy away from this part of the equation. If you’re looking for ways to encourage collaboration, consider using online discussion boards. Encourage people to discuss challenges and examples of great teamwork in meetings.

6. Strengthen Communication Protocols

How your business communicates with its employees will directly affect how they work. If you’re sending out emails or text messages that don’t articulate the information clearly, it could negatively affect your company’s performance. If you’re looking for ways to improve communication, consider creating a few protocols to help you send the right message to each employee:

  • Ensure you are clear about what needs to be accomplished and when.
  • Ensure you are telling employees what needs to be done on time.
  • Don’t assume you know more than others about the business.

Take the time to talk with your colleagues about what works for them and what doesn’t.

For even more tips on increasing productivity and creating a positive work environment, please see the resource below.

Provided by CTG Tech – managed it services Texas


Creating an environment of productivity can be challenging, especially if you’re trying to change long-established tendencies. However, it’s important to look beyond how things have always been and consider what may be holding your employees back. You’ll see a productivity improvement when you make a concerted effort to improve your operation and draw attention to different factors related to the workplace, such as communication protocols and company culture.