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5 Tricks That Help Keep Your Bedroom Door Safe from Your Cat’s Nails


Scratch posts are available in various sizes, styles, and colors. Some feline fur babies prefer to stretch up while standing on their hind legs and sharpen their claws on vertical scratch posts, and others may love to lazily plant themselves on the horizontal scratch posts or tables and engage in scratching them.

Learn your kitty cat’s preferences and consider buying a product that suits its taste and comfort. Yet, you should trim your furball’s claws whenever needed to prevent damage to indoor things and save your skin from being scratched.

Also, consider installing plenty of them if you have many cats to deal with, as in the case of a multi-cat household. Otherwise, catfights and accidental injuries can become the new normal in the house. In any case, consider being prepared with kitten insurance in NZ so managing unplanned vet costs is much easier.

Cheap cat insurance covers a munchkin’s basic health care during distressing health situations and medical emergencies, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy. Meanwhile, read this article to learn what to do if your cat is constantly scratching on your closed bedroom door to get you to open it during the middle of the night.  

1. Discourage your kitty from scratching

The cat might come to your bedroom door late at night and scratch it, asking for your attention. It probably needs food and water, wants to use the litter box, is getting bored, or feels lonely. Observe the pattern to understand the reasons for scratching in the dead of night. Suppose it is doing this due to boredom; offer it mental enrichment toys, puzzle feeders, and ample scratching posts to improve things for you and your cat.

However, if your furry baby is unhappy about sleeping alone in a living room corner or elsewhere and wants your warmth and affection, keep the door open so your munchkin can quietly sneak into your room and snuggle up to you without causing mayhem in the dark of the night.

2. Add a protective cover to the door

If the scratching doesn’t seem to end, consider claw-proofing the door. A metallic sheet can protect your door but consider the shrill noises your cat can make while trying to scratch the metallic layer on your bedroom door.

3. Ignore your kitty’s scratching habit

Ignoring can solve many problems, especially if your kitty is doing this to gain your attention. You will reinforce the negative behavior whenever you respond to the scratch calls. So, choose what actions you respond to. With this, your cat’s pesky habit should hopefully stop.

4. Stick the double-sided tape on the door

The presence of this stationary item will make it highly uncomfortable for your cat to scratch and win your attention. This tape can deter your cat from scratching, and over time when your cat has realized it hardly helps and gives up on the habit, you can safely remove the tape and discard it. 

5. Trimming your kitty’s long nails

When the nails grow long naturally, a cat would want to wear them down. This is one reason they scratch places that seem ideal to mend those grown nails. Consider using a pair of cat nail clippers to remove the excess as they grow. Take it to the vet for a trim if you are not confident about safely cutting down the nails.

Also, consider placing a few scratch posts near your bedroom door, so your kitty doesn’t have to depend on your door for a manicure. However, if your cat is on a scratching and biting spree, meet your vet for a quick resolution.

You should be especially careful when there are other fur babies at home. Consider being prepared with cheap cat insurance so your furball’s unexpected medical expenses need not be a significant financial burden. Contemplate purchasing kitten insurance NZ, so your cat gets quality treatment with little economic hassle during distressing health situations and emergencies.