Home Industry Quotidian Problem of Procrastination is Toxic to IELTS Prep

Quotidian Problem of Procrastination is Toxic to IELTS Prep


For millennia, people of all ages, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds have struggled with procrastination. It is the practice of delaying or postponing tasks or decisions in the face of potentially negative outcomes. Procrastination harms one’s self-esteem and makes them worry, tense, and reduces performance. If you exhibit the same habit and wish to perform well on the IELTS exam, you will have to work very hard to change your ways.

Procrastination can occur for a variety of reasons, which could be due to a lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed by a task, a lack of self-esteem, or perfectionism. It can also be caused by a lack of comprehension or interest in a task, as well as external factors like peer pressure or diversions. Procrastination is something that can be conquered through identifying the source of the procrastination and addressing it. For example, if a lack of motivation is the root cause, it is necessary to develop motivation-boosting tactics. 

Setting goals, breaking down activities into smaller, more manageable chunks, and rewarding oneself for accomplishing chores are all examples of this. Furthermore, it is vital to limit distractions like social media and phone notifications, as well as to develop a structure and timetable that works for you. Connect with the best IELTS Institute in Chandigarh today to learn in a world-class environment for your IELTS exam preparation.

This article focuses on eliminating students’ habit of procrastination during IELTS preparation;

What causes pupils to put off studying? 

Procrastination affects almost every student at some point during their academic lives. It may be difficult to resist the desire to put off work and other obligations in favor of more pleasurable pursuits. The fundamental causes of student procrastination differ from person to person, but some general features may assist us in understanding and dealing with this issue.

Are your emotions overwhelming you?

First, procrastination is triggerable by a feeling of being overwhelmed. Students who have a large workload or generally enroll in a challenging course may feel this overwhelming feeling of the quantity of work they must finish. Students may postpone in this case to manage their anxiety and stress.

Do you need more motivation?

Procrastination may indicate a lack of motivation. A student is less likely to complete an assignment or project if they regard it as trivial or dull. Students who are perplexed when seeking to learn something new may postpone as a result of their confusion. The chances of procrastination are worse for those who seek perfection in every task. Some students put off doing tasks until the last minute out of fear of failing or believing that their work is never satisfactory. If you’re lacking in inspiration, it’s time to go elsewhere. It is vital to define your motivation before commencing IELTS training. 

Are you avoiding the actions over the reactions?

You must exercise considerable caution when studying for the IELTS exam. You must focus on your actions. If you don’t want to do anything, don’t commit to doing it. False promises are useless. They simply keep you trapped in a delusory bubble. Hence, you must try to be as wise as possible in this world of advanced mind-bending cleverness. If you find something challenging, just don’t let go unnoticed from your wit to finish understanding it as soon as possible.

The purpose of focusing on action rather than reaction is to approach events in a proactive manner rather than simply reacting to what is going on around you. This is why concentrating on action rather than reaction is advantageous. This involves actively seeking answers to challenges. You might also focus on establishing talks and taking the initiative to make positive changes in the situation. This strategy can keep you one step ahead of any potential issues and produce better results for anyone concerned. Contact the Spoken english classes in Chandigarh to prepare for your IELTS exam as thoroughly as possible.


As a poor habit, procrastination has a terrible reputation. People and most importantly employers usually consider it a sign of laziness or a lack of self-control. You must make the required efforts to break this harmful behavior to perform well on the IELTS exam.