Home Digital Marketing 5 Tips From Experts on Properly Communicating With Your Remote Employees

5 Tips From Experts on Properly Communicating With Your Remote Employees


Communication is difficult even when you are your team is sitting in the same room together. When you’re dealing with important things like the growth of a large company, specific goals that are in place for each person individually, and the balance between work and life for each person.

Now, divide your team up and place them all around the world and things are even more difficult than before. Messaging becomes lost easily, expectations are foggy, and progress can be stunted by poor communication standards. It adds an entirely new element to communicating within a team.

That’s why we chatted with a few experts to get their expert tips on communicationg effectively with your remote employees, and here’s what said

(1) Use One – And Only One – Messaging Platform

Our first expert recommends you don’t muddy the waters any further. Find one messaging platform for your team and stick with it:

“There are a ton of different messaging platforms available, but you do not want to get into a place where different employees and using different platforms. And you definitely don’t want more than one active messaging platform within your remote company. Instead, find the one that works for your company and roll with it.”

-Submitted by James Parsons, Founder and CEO of Content Powered

(2) Let Your Managers Handle Communicating With Their Team

Tip #2 is all about sharing the duties of communication within your team and – more specifically – with other leaders in the company.

“If you have different departments within your company, then those managers should be tasked to take over some of the communicating with their staff. It can create clearer lines of communicating and setup proper processes that allow your team to communicate properly and effectively.”

-Submitted by Lucie Chavez, CMO at Radaris

(3) Setup a Communication Schedule to Keep Your Team Informed

We continue on and talk about communication schedules, which can be very important in building an ongoing communication plan.

“For example, maybe the company’s CEO sends a company update every Monday morning or employees are asked to check in with an update every Friday. Setting up some sort of schedule will help keep everyone in the company (remote employees and leaders) responsible for communicating effectively.”

-Submitted by Austin Walters, Operations Director at WSA – The Communications Agency

(4) Setup Weekly & Monthly Reporting Deadlines For Your Team

Our final submitted tip comes from an experienced CEO who understands the importance of deadlines within a company.

“Reporting is a big part of communicating within a company. Employees need to show initiative in sharing their updates as requested and meeting the deadlines as laid out by the company’s managers. For example, many companies will ask employees to lay out specific KPIs and OKRs means a tool which is used by some of the world’s leading organizations to set and enact their strategies at the start of a quarter and it’s important for employees to maintain these deadlines in order to communicate their progress back to the company. If employees are unable to meet these deadlines and regularly miss them, then your company could be in trouble and changes need to be made.”

-Submitted by Scot Armstrong, CEO of Promethean Dental Systems

(5) One Half of Communicating is Listening

The final tip is from us right here, because we also understand the importance of communication. We especially know how important for communication to be two-sided. The employee must communicate back their progress and how they ae doing. And the company must share required information as necessary to the employees.

But each side must also understand that they must listen to the other side. If something isn’t working and they are told about it, then they must listen and communicate effectively to figure it out. Things will pop up that are unexpected and the power of communication will be necessary to get through things as smoothly as possible.

Communication is very much about speaking out, but it’s also about listening.