Home Small Businesses What are Time Clocks and How to Include Them in Your Business?

What are Time Clocks and How to Include Them in Your Business?

Time Clocks

Each company has a unique culture that sets them apart from other businesses. For example, each company has its working time, and they expect their employees to report to work on time. But as the person in charge, you also need to respond to the needs of your team and take care of their values. All your time tracking efforts won’t pay back unless you do that.

Thankfully, today, you can easily use time clocks to track your employees; working time. But how do you introduce it to them? We have a few essential tips to share with you in this piece.

●    Explain the Purpose and Benefits

If you want to convince your team that time tracking is ideal for your company, you should communicate its purpose and benefits. That way, they’ll understand why you need to introduce it. Unless you give them your honest opinion, they’ll be reluctant to embrace the idea. But if they understand why you want to include the time clock system into your business, they can easily accept the new idea and move along with it.

Ensure your workers know about the benefits they’ll enjoy once you introduce the new idea. Note that provided you’re introducing the time clock for good reasons, it needs to tally with the interests of your workers. Let them understand that this new idea will protect them from burnout, make overtime visible, and reveal those who work best.

●    Establish What It’s Not

To complete this step, you need to understand what your employees might think when you bring about the idea of a time clock. If you know how this could impact their wellbeing, you can develop better ways to ensure it doesn’t happen. Most employees will try to oppose the idea of time tracking when they feel it can interfere with their professional privacy.

Therefore, you need to explain to your workers that time tracking will not be the only way to assess their productivity and overall performance. While it can provide a useful benchmark, it won’t be used privately to understand how some employees work. Also, you won’t use it to replace in-person management in the workplace. Explain these things to your employees, and they’ll appreciate the idea of time tracking.

●    Put Your Employees First

No matter your organizational culture, you must always protect the privacy of your workers. Therefore, you should ensure that the new machine will not infringe on their privacy. Instead, it should be meant to protect them. The time tracking machine won’t make you happy if it doesn’t support mutual respect among your employees and the people in charge of them.

As you strive to introduce the tracking machine, it should be done on your employees’ consent mode. That’s the reason you need to tell them everything about the device before making it an official tool in the workplace. Once you have tracked data about everyone, you should keep them private. Also, the data collected must always be accurate to ensure rational decision-making practices in the company.

●    Stay Inclusive and Open

Though this might be a hard thing to do, you should achieve a good level of openness and flexibility. You should do this during the testing and onboarding phase. While you test the new tracking tool, you should accept that there will be a learning curve, which can be long or short. Thus, you should be there to help your workers get familiar with the new idea.

As you keep experiencing the tracking machine, share the findings with your workers and how they can deal with them. If you’re vulnerable enough, your employees can trust you. But if you choose to test the machine alone, be sure to go through the pilot phase with some workers you trust. From there, they’ll communicate the findings with the rest of the team. You should do this because your employees are the ones who will be using the tool, and they need to get familiar with it.

Closing Thoughts

Did you know that time clocks are not tacky? They keep on improving through the years. If you want to introduce them to your company, be sure to follow the steps we have shared above. If you can’t communicate clearly, hire an expert to help you with the pilot phase of implementation.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more then visit our STRATEGY category.